Factory Floor
Indoor Air Quality
114 AQI
Office Space
Air Quality
Mall Basement
Air Quality

Get an in-depth view of the environment around you

Whether it is at home, office, or in a commercial space, get real-time data on the emissions and pollution level around you.

Pollution tracker
Ambee Smart Sensors
Air quality is very
low at your house

Say goodbye to unseen threats with Ambee’s smart sensors

The air around you may not be as safe as it looks. Track air quality and emission levels wherever you are and take steps towards improving wellness and increasing productivity sustainably.

Environment and Climate Monitoring System


Employees are more productive when air pollution levels are marked good as per EPA

indoor aqi monitor


more carbon-based pollutants are indoors than outdoors

Indoor PM2.5 monitor


Metric tons of CO2 emitted from fossil fuels and industries in 2020

what makes Ambee data unique

Data that gives you the complete picture

Environmental and Climate Monitoring Sensor Data
emission tracking device

Outdoor air quality levels for AQI, PM1, PM2.5, PM10

weather tracking device

Weather elements such as temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and rainfall

Climate Monitoring System

Emissions levels for CO2 NO2, SO2, CO, O3

real time aqi monitor

Real-time monitoring and analysis

indoor air quality sensor

Daily environmental factors summary to administrators

indoor air quality monitoring

Customizable alerts and notifications to admin when pollution spikes

Case study

what you can do

Power to ensure overall wellness, for indoors and outdoors

Improve Healthcare

Show that you care for your team by tracking air quality and taking measures to enhance wellness, reduce stress, and increase productivity at offices.

Assess Risks

Monitor emissions at construction sites to better understand the air residents are exposed to during construction activities.

Enhance Safety Measures

Implement upgrades in the ventilation and plan air renewal strategy based on analysis of air quality in buildings.

Monitor Pollution Trends

Assess environmental conditions and trends to support policy development and its implementation.

Minimize Emissions

Know about transport and traffic congestion hotspots, monitor pollution levels, and plan urban mobility better.

Create A Safer Environment

Make homes safer and healthier by keeping a check on the quality of air in all rooms.

how it works

Cutting-edge technology to measure environmental parameters

Customized solutions for every workspace type
Measurable impact for your money spent
Powerful processing power combined with AI providing reliable data and analytics 24x7
Built-in sensors to accurately monitor and detect the environment and climate parameters
Zero-Capex models
An independent system that seamlessly connects the device to the cloud