Wellthy Therapeutics uses air quality API to enhance personalized digital healthcare

Wellthy Therapeutics, in collaboration with Ambee, aims to achieve better diagnosis and create personalized treatment plans providing detailed information on a patient's past exposure to hazardous pollutants and allergens directly to the patient or even to the patient's physician if authorized.
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Air pollution causes multiple respiratory diseases and aggravates other existing health issues like heart disease and asthma. The World Health Organization estimates that seven million premature deaths are caused by air pollution every year.

Taking this into account, Wellthy Therapeutics wanted to help healthcare partners and patients manage respiratory conditions better. Powered by Ambee’s air quality APIs, Wellthy aims to provide personalized treatment plans and better diagnoses using patients’ real-time and historical environmental conditions like air quality exposures. 


Read the case study to learn more about the partnership and how it can benefit both healthcare partners and patients.