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IoT-enabled sensor network to track city-wide carbon emissions

February 21, 2025
2 min read
Carbon Emissions with IoT sensor
Ambee Author
Content Lead

As Internet of Things (IoT) technologies become further embedded in our lives, we come across newer uses for data intelligence, from better industrial controls, to traffic management, to improved healthcare outcomes. One of the most important fields that are now harnessing data is the effort against climate change. In the war to save the world, IoT-based sensors and devices for carbon monitoring are becoming increasingly essential.

Carbon sensors help monitor and track greenhouse gas emissions, providing data that can be used to inform policy decisions, reduce emissions, and mitigate climate change. With the help of these IoT-based devices, businesses and administrators can measure and monitor their carbon footprint with remarkable accuracy and efficiency.

What are the possibilities provided by IoT-based carbon sensors?

Data generated via IoT-based carbon sensors can and is already being used to make informed decisions about reducing emissions and improving sustainability. By tracking and analyzing the data, businesses can identify areas of their operations that are inefficient and need improvement both financially as well as environmentally. This can help them reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their sustainability goals.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. As technology develops and climate change needs accelerate, various uses for IoT monitoring will take center stage:

Reducing city-wide emissions: This is possibly the most crucial function of a network of carbon sensors. It can also be used to monitor emissions from places such as factories, transportation, constructions, and more places across the city to identify areas where emissions must be reduced. This helps businesses and administrators modify existing systems to make them more efficient and help reduce emissions altogether.

Increasing health and safety: Continuously monitoring the environment can help keep CO2 levels within the accepted and healthy range of less than 1000 ppm. These devices installed in workplaces or homes can help identify hazardous areas and take appropriate action to reduce the risks.

Source: Occupational Health & Safety

Saving energy: CO2 concentration can be reduced with an effective ventilation system, but continuously running a ventilation system is both expensive and uses a lot of energy. To balance this out, a smart CO2 sensor system can help accurately measure the concentration and automatically adjust to the immediate environmental needs, saving energy and costs.

Improving productivity: If an indoor environment experiences increased levels of CO2, it often hampers productivity. Research suggests that office workers feel tired, become irritable, or have problems concentrating. The presence of indoor air pollutants such as CO2 can alter the quality of life.

By keeping it in check, companies and building owners can identify these problems and transition to net-zero buildings, manage viral transmissions via ventilation, and take steps to reduce continuous exposure.

In partnership with Ambee, a major real estate corporation has already taken an initiative to fight the problem of indoor air pollutants. From identifying the problem areas to implementing regular maintenance, the organization has taken the step to create a safer work environment using Ambee’s devices. Read the case study to learn more.

What makes Ambee’s carbon monitoring devices better?

With high rates of carbon pollutants in the atmosphere, understanding the level of pollutants in the immediate area is necessary to encourage effective decision making. To help businesses and administrators keep people and the environment healthy, Ambee provides sensors to monitor ambient air quality and emission levels.

Ambee’s IoT-based devices use low-cost sensors for continuous monitoring of the environment. The devices are modular in nature and hence, support any kind of sensors as per the requirement of a business or an administration.

These sensors work on the Non-Dispersive Infra-Red (NDIR) principle, widely accepted as the industry standard at this level. Further, Ambee’s sensors are extremely reliable, as proven in tests and real-world scenarios, with uptime for all the devices at approximately 98.8%.

Ambee’s sensors are fully calibrated and linearized with superior long-term stability and a built-in reference channel. Using encrypted wireless communications for IoT connectivity, Ambee has expertise in creating large-scale, reliable IoT sensor networks for continuous monitoring and data acquisition.

Easy-to-use device dashboard to better visualize Ambee's on-ground sensor data

These devices are designed to work in harsh environments and are reliable enough to operate in city-level ambient conditions. All these devices support multiple sensors to detect PM levels, CO2 levels, and weather parameters. The devices are connected via a 2G/LTE protocol to transmit real-time emission data to the Ambee server. 

As of now, Ambee has installed sensors for Mumbai and Bangalore–scaling up the sensor network to other cities as you read.

How is Ambee’s device data calibrated?

Ambee's hardware device pipeline cleans and calibrates the data so that there are no outliers or gaps. With the initial check for anomalies, the data is cleaned and processed. If any outliers are detected, they are removed by observing the historical data–to confirm if it is an actual hike or an anomaly. Post this, the data is further calibrated to ensure maximum accuracy.

The pipeline also boasts a daily refresh rate, which autocorrects the data based on statistical observations. With this, we ensure that the data is accurate, calibrated, and with minimal gaps.

This data is then available for customers via a customized dashboard.

Ambee’s hardware devices deployed across Mumbai and Bangalore

Achieve your sustainability goals with IoT-backed carbon monitoring devices

With growing concerns over carbon emissions and their effects, businesses and administrations have already started implementing newer technologies and systems to track and reduce their carbon footprint. And as it is with most things, better quality products provide better results. That’s where Ambee comes in.

Ambee’s state-of-the-art devices can help you with reliable air quality measurements and tracking emission levels wherever you are. With our reliable data and actionable insights, you can take the necessary steps to improve the ambient environment and promote healthier living experiences.

Learn more about Ambee’s environment and climate monitoring system here

Interested in Ambee’s AQ and carbon sensors for your city? 

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