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How Ambee’s APIs can be a good alternative to Breezometer

February 21, 2025
2 min read
Breezometer alternative
Ambee Author
Content Lead

The world needs reliable data to face the effects of climate change with confidence. With serious environmental concerns emerging in the past few years, businesses and developers are looking for efficient solutions that enable them to make the best decisions. Regarding environmental data, many companies offer specific APIs that fit into many use cases and domains.

BreezoMeter is a company that also provides data solutions in the form of APIs to various businesses. However, in the current scenario where there is a need for mission-critical climate datasets–accuracy is the most essential aspect.

We at Ambee provide highly granular and accurate environmental APIs ranging from weather, air quality, pollen, severe weather, and more to organizations across the globe. For those looking for highly accurate and actionable data, there are many ways in which Ambee’s APIs fare as the better option.

Why are Ambee’s APIs better?

1. Data quality–accuracy and coverage

All Ambee data is collected from multiple sources, including–on-ground IoT sensors, satellite imagery, and a global proprietary sensor network to serve accuracy of the utmost degree. On top of that, our proprietary models measure, process, and analyze data from over a dozen sources, processing many terabytes of data daily.

The pipeline also boasts a daily refresh, which auto-corrects the data based on statistical observations. With this, we ensure that our data is accurate, calibrated, and without gaps.

BreezoMeter’s APIs also use multiple data sources but often lack accuracy in the readings due to the lack of sensor data at a granular level. Where Ambee provides street-level coverage for any lat-long on Earth, BreezoMeter’s scope is limited to city-level granularity.

2. API range and features

Ambee offers a large set of highly specialized APIs, which include:

  • Air Quality API
  • Pollen API
  • Weather API
  • Forest Fire API
  • Severe weather API
  • Soil API
  • Natural Disasters

All of these APIs provide detailed insights into their domain. For instance, the Ambee air quality API provides actionable insights on air quality index, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ozone. Another example would be the Ambee Pollen API, which provides a comprehensive and customizable view of 20+ subspecies of pollen. This level of customization serves various industries in their unique use cases.

We’ve also made some new improvements to our API suite starting off with a major revamping of our Forest Fire API to include Fire Risk Index and burnedArea polygon coordinates. And in addition to that, we’ve also just launched the Natural Disasters API to help you plan ahead and manage calamities.

All Ambee APIs deliver in real-time in addition to on-demand historical and forecast capabilities–and we deliver all this in mere seconds.

On the other hand, BreezoMeter provides a lesser variety with only 3 APIs (air quality, weather, and pollen), showing a smaller scope for customization and global coverage.

3. Ease-of-use and developer friendliness

Another factor to consider is the ease of integration. Ambee's API is designed to be easy to integrate with any platform or application. Ambee offers a variety of different API endpoints, which allow developers to access and analyze environmental data in a variety of different ways.

BreezoMeter, on the other hand, only offers a limited number of endpoints, which may not meet the needs of all developers. In addition to that, the APIs support multiple languages–including python, which helps users visualize their data without using too much time and effort.

Ambee’s APIs are also readily available on most marketplaces and data warehouses, including Zapier, SAP, and Snowflake–so you can get started before this sentence ends.

When it comes to the dashboard itself, Ambee’s dashboard is also an easy-to-use data platform with a variety of features and filters. The dashboard has been upgraded recently to make the experience of generating data much simpler for the customers.

4. Pricing and partnership

Ambee offers competitive pricing for customers. Our free trial version is the perfect way to test and evaluate the data before utilizing it for your product or optimizing the use case. For fast-growing organizations or enterprises, we have a custom pricing plan.

This plan is exclusively tailored to meet the business use case. This way, Ambee is able to serve small, medium, and large organizations effectively while providing reliable, solution-oriented support.

Here’s how you can leverage Ambee’s power starting now

Quick steps to replace the BreezoMeter API with Ambee API

You can start your Ambee journey in just a few clicks. Simply follow the steps below to replace your existing code where it calls for the BreezoMeter API:

Step 1: Sign up to the Ambee API dashboard and make sure you’re logged in.

Step 2: Find your unique API key and save it for subsequent steps.

Step 3: Find your existing code with the BreezoMeter URL.

Step 4: Follow the documentation and tutorials to find your base URL. Combine your API Key and specify your desired parameters.

Step 5: Make your first API call and get free 1000 API records per day for the next 15 days.

About Ambee

Ambee’s helping companies around the world face climate change confidently with advanced environmental data and a suite of products. To learn how Ambee’s climate intelligence can empower your unique business use case, contact our experts here.

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