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Weather 2.0: Improved and more accurate solution to drive your business

February 21, 2025
2 min read
new ambee weather data
Ambee Author
Content Lead

Idea in Brief:

  1. Weather influences the everyday activities of both individuals and businesses. While specific sectors are affected, more than others, by weather, no one is entirely immune.
  2. Monitoring the weather and understanding its patterns is extremely important in forecasting future trends and preventing or reducing any damage to people and the economy.
  3. Ambee has launched an upgraded version of weather API to help reduce weather-related risks.


Our daily lives are affected by the weather, either directly or indirectly. From planning day-to-day activities to organizing business operations, we are highly dependent on weather data and forecasts. This data can help people track upcoming weather patterns, plan or schedule their activities, and understand past trends to help prepare for the future.

And that’s just the start of what’s possible.

Weather data can help understand climate change activities as well. By tracking and forecasting the weather, future climate trends can be determined to help prevent immediate or long-term damages. Weather events such as rainfall, fog, and snowfall, as well as hurricanes, tornados, and cyclones, can cause severe damage to lives and businesses.

While certain sectors like agriculture, aviation, or logistics, are more deeply tethered to the weather, other sectors of the economy are still not completely immune to its effects. This makes monitoring the weather and understanding its patterns essential to forecasting events to prevent or reduce any damages to people and the economy.

To better arm companies and users with accurate weather intelligence, Ambee launched a new optimized version of the Ambee weather API, which generates real-time, hyperlocal, and global weather data with high accuracy.

Benefits of accurate weather data

With the help of Ambee’s weather API, monitoring the weather and scheduling the most appropriate time for any activity becomes prompt and easy.

Ambee’s weather data has information on the state of the atmosphere, including temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, cloud coverage, visibility, and dew point. Combining this information with proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, intelligence can be generated with high accuracy and efficiency.

This helps produce actionable insights that customers can collect, measure, and analyze to deliver flexible and meaningful outcomes. The data can be used by a wide range of markets that depend on or are affected by the weather.

Availability: The Ambee weather API makes it easy for customers to generate data with just a few clicks. By entering the location or postal code, data can be generated for any location around the world.

Accuracy: Ambee’s proprietary algorithms generate extremely accurate data. The system aggregates information from multiple sources and combines it with on-ground sensors, satellite imagery, and publicly available open-source information. This is then processed by the algorithms, resulting in real-time intelligence being delivered via APIs.

Real-time with no lag: The data is generated, processed, and displayed very quickly, reducing data collection and analysis time. This helps organizations optimize their time to integrate and utilize weather data without delay.

Cost-effective: Ambee’s data is cost-effective, to begin with, and has a double impact on customer bottom lines by helping monitor and mitigate any impending risks on businesses that can be caused by weather in the future, saving revenue.

Highly optimized technology for a better customer experience

The latest version of Ambee’s weather API is the result of our constant push to be ahead of the curve when it comes to climate data. Ambee has always strived to improve the lives of people and their businesses while battling issues related to climate Developing or upgrading the products not only helps the businesses achieve their sustainability goals but also mitigates the impending risks of climate change. This highly optimized version of the weather data is a step towards achieving that goal.

When asked about the reason for launching a new optimized version of weather data, Ambee’s CTO and Co-founder, Madhusudan Anand said, “Ambee’s products deal with mission-critical elements and issues related to the environment and climate. Ambee’s latest release of weather data upgrade is a result of continuous research and development. We aim to fill the gap of actionable, insightful, and accurate data to help people, businesses, and administrations equip themselves better for the impact of climate change”.

This upgrade sees a significant change in terms of a numerical weather prediction model for calculating weather patterns and trends while improving accuracy rates.

Some of the new additions and improvements on this latest version are:

Optimized and increased parameters: We have optimized the parameters of weather data collection and added a few more:

  • Weather Summary: Human readable interpretation of data
  • Air temperature and apparent (“feels like”) temperature in degree Fahrenheit
  • Dew point in degrees Fahrenheit
  • Relative humidity—between 0 and 1
  • Sea-level air pressure in millibar
  • Wind speed and wind gust speed in miles per hour
  • Wind bearing—direction that the wind is coming from, in degree with true north at 0°
  • Percentage of the sky covered by clouds—between 0 and 1
  • UV Index
  • Average visibility in miles – up to 10 miles
  • The columnar density of total atmospheric ozone at the given time in Dobson units

New data sources: Along with our existing methods of data collection that include on-ground sensors, satellite imagery, and open-source data centers that get processed through our proprietary algorithms, we have also added multiple other new global data sources to increase the accuracy rate.

Increased accuracy: The latest version witnesses an increase of 5% in data accuracy rates. Our present accuracy rates ranges between 89% – 93%, varying from location to location.

Enhanced resolution: Optimized our spatial resolution; present resolution lies at 5sqkm at any point across the world.

Decreased response time: Reduced API response time to sub-second; gigabytes of data can be generated within an hour.

Bigger infrastructure: Shifted to larger and better data infrastructure to accommodate big data and scale, as per customer needs.

Historical data: Customers can also access historical weather data for up to 30 years in the past, which helps forecast and analyze trends.

Hazard alerts: Ability to generate hazard alerts to inform users of any abnormal weather activities or upcoming events.

Optimized time and location features: Customers can get data from any location globally, using just city/location names or postal codes. The API also helps users get data and information using geographical coordinates and give daily, hourly, and even by-the-minute forecasts, predicting weather conditions for up to 48 hours in advance.

To get a detailed description of all of Ambee’s APIs, visit our documentation page.

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