Empower disaster management and mitigate cyclone risks with cyclone data

Ambee’s cyclone API offers event-specific data on cyclones. Access real-time and historical cyclone data to understand their impact and develop strategies for mitigating the risks associated with this natural disaster.

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Areas near you are
prone to cyclones

Demystify cyclone data to drive disaster resilience

Cyclones are powerful and destructive tropical storms that form over warm ocean waters. When cyclones make landfall, they can bring torrential rains, storm surges, and damaging winds, causing significant devastation to coastal areas and beyond.

Understanding cyclones is crucial for effective disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation. By gathering and analyzing data, stakeholders can track cyclone formation, intensity, and movement with greater accuracy and make plans to mitigate its impending effects.

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$1407.6 billion

in economic losses in the past 50 years due to cyclones

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deaths due to the Great Bhola Cyclone in Bangladesh–the worst cyclone in history

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$78 million

average daily damages due to cyclones globally

Assess cyclones data. Minimize potential damages.

Global coverage

Hyperlocal data from 150+ countries and growing.

Superior accuracy

Data is aggregated and analyzed from multiple sources, including proprietary Ambee data, to maximize accuracy.

Real-time and historical data

Get real-time and historical cyclone data to provide cyclone alerts and improve mitigation strategies.

Easy integration

Developer-friendly cyclone API that is easily integrated into any program, platform, or product.

Detailed insights

Reliable insights into cyclones–severity, alert level, alert score, location, intensity, and more.

What people are saying about us

We must understand the environmental changes and act upon them in the right way. Ambee keeps us in tune with our environment and is key to creating better outcomes for people.

Vipul Parmar
Global Head of Data Management, WPP

We monitor the impacts of AQ on the health outcomes of asthma and COPD patients. Ambee gives great access to hyperlocal data to help us monitor acute respiratory health events.

Luke Marshall
CEO, and Founder, VitalFlo

Solving climate change requires collaboration across industries. Hence, Razor partnered with Ambee to make reliable real-time and accurate data available to the blockchain.

Hrishikesh Huilgolkar
CEO, Razor Oracle Network

We tried out Ambee’s Weather and Pollen API for our healthcare app. The data was accurate and valuable, and the team was really supportive. I would recommend working with them.

Kunal Kishore Dhawan
Co-founder, and CEO, Navia Life Care

The PACE team is thrilled to be working with partners like Ambee, who bring a fresh perspective to our work and ensure that the PACE mission will provide societal benefit.

Lorraine Remer
Atmospheric Scientist, University of Maryland Baltimore County

The display systems, sensor devices, & data on cloud services truly show why they are the pioneers in the market. The process, too, was easy—incredible work by team Ambee.

V Chandeeswra G
Sr Manager, Brigade

It has helped Adylic showcase the power of utilizing API in personalizing ads. In this case, we were able to target users' needs at the right time based on the user's location.

Stefanie Wong
DCO Specialist, Adylic
what you can do

Turn cyclone data into actionable insights

Disaster preparedness and planning

Assess the vulnerability of different regions to cyclones, identify high-risk areas, and make informed decisions about land-use regulations and infrastructure development.

Insurance underwriting

Determine the likelihood of cyclones occurring in a particular area, and adjust insurance premiums and manage financial exposure during cyclone events.

Early warning systems

Analyze various meteorological parameters, such as wind speed, pressure, and temperature, predict cyclone formation, track their paths, issue evacuation orders, and allocate resources.

Infrastructure planning and resilience

Assess the vulnerability of existing infrastructure to cyclones and construct more resilient buildings and infrastructure.

Ambee’s cyclone API: Sample response

Ambee’s cyclone API provides information to help cyclone tracking with insights on severity, alert level, alert score, location, intensity, and more. This is how your sample response will look like when you make the API call:

"message": "success",
"hasNextPage": false,
"page": 1,
"limit": 1,
"result": [
"event_type": "TC",
"event_name": "Tropical Cyclone DIKELEDI-25",
"date": "2025-01-09 12:00:00",
"lat": -17.0440998915686,
"continent": "afr",
"created_time": "2025-01-09 14:51:37",
"lng": 41.58915510889889,
"source_event_id": "1001135",
"event_id": "677e91327c913d85aaba64b0"

Simplifying complex problems for the world’s leading companies

Hundreds of users - from startups to Fortune 500 companies - use Ambee everyday, finding sustainable solutions for their businesses and communities.

Adylic harnesses pollen powers to reach allergy sufferers at the right time

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Increasing customer engagement and maximizing sales for Boots with pollen API

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How Brigade increased its overall employee productivity & workplace wellness

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Pollen data helps Kimberly-Clark shield its customers from high pollen exposure

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Give your cause the data it deserves

Ambee’s environmental and climate APIs provide high-resolution, reliable, and measured data. The most accurate data is generated by combining the power of proprietary on-ground sensors, satellite imagery, and other sources. Utilize Ambee’s hyperlocal data to create valuable solutions for your customers.

Frequently asked questions

What is a cyclone API?

The cyclone API provides developers with access to weather data and services related to hurricanes and tropical storms. By integrating the API into their applications or websites, users can retrieve real-time information about cyclone paths, intensity, forecasts, and historical data.

How can I access the cyclone API?

You can sign up for the Ambee API dashboard and access the cyclone dataset with a few clicks. Our documentation provides additional guidance and support. If you have a custom request, please contact us.

What kind of data does the cyclone API provide?

The cyclone API provides real-time and historical information about cyclones and tropical storms, including their current positions, intensities, wind speeds, and directions. Additionally, users can access data on past cyclone tracks and forecasts, aiding in trend analysis and disaster preparedness.

How can I utilize the cyclone dataset for research or projects?

Cyclone data can be used for research and projects. By analyzing historical tracks, intensity, and frequency, researchers can understand climate patterns and enhance disaster preparedness. They can also develop models for forecasting, risk assessment, and studying the impact of climate change on cyclone behavior and its potential consequences.

What is a cyclone alert?

A cyclone alert is a warning issued by meteorological authorities to inform the public about an impending cyclone or tropical cyclone. It is designed to help people in vulnerable regions prepare for the potential impact of the severe weather system. The alert typically includes information about the cyclone's current location, predicted path, intensity, and possible time of landfall.

Is historical cyclone data available through the API?

Yes, you can access historical cyclone data through Ambee’s Natural Disasters API. For any inquiries, please reach out to us.